Lecture 4

Introduction to study design

Measurement and variables

Dr Lincoln Colling

17 Oct 2022

Psychology as a Science

The “how” of quantitative research

The conclusions that we can draw from research depends on how the knowledge was generated

For any piece of research we plan (or any research we read), we must be able to answer:

  1. How do we actually test hypotheses appropriately?

  2. How do we generalise our findings?

  3. How do we quantify seemingly unquantifiable things?

The answer to these questions lies in research design

The “how” of quantitative research

Research designs can vary on lots of different dimensions:

  1. Some designs have some kind of manipulation and others don’t

  2. Some designs involve multiple measurements from the same people and some design compare groups

  3. Some designs take all their measurement at one point in time and others follow participants across time

The design we choose depends on:

  • Our hypothesis
  • The resources we have (time, money, facilities)
  • Logistical considerations
  • Ethical considerations

An example: Ice cream and murder

An example: Ice cream and murder

Figure 1: The relationship between the murder rate and ice cream sales in New York City

An example: Ice cream and murder

We might decide to conduct some research into this relationship between ice cream and murder to see whether there’s actually a causal relationship1

How would we actually go about this?

  1. We start with a research question

This is the question we hope our research will answer

We might have something like the following:

Does eating ice cream make you more prone to murderous tendencies?

An example: Ice cream and murder

  1. Next we come up with a hypothesis

In our hypothesis we specify the outcome we expect

We might have something like the following:

Eating ice cream increases the desire to commit murder

To test this hypothesis we’ll design an experiment…

Testing our hypothesis

Our experiment might be something like the following:

  1. Invite a group of people into the lab

  2. Give half the people some ice cream to eat, and don’t give any ice cream to the other half (our manipulation)

  3. We then get all participants to look at pictures of people (the stimuli) and rate how much they want to eliminate them on a scale from 0 (no desire) to 9 (all the desire possible)

After the experiment we might thank the participants, and debrief them by describing the aims of the study in more depth…

Testing our hypothesis

In our study we’re manipulating one thing and we’re measuring one thing

This means our study has one independent variable (IV) and one dependent variable (DV)

You’ll encounter the terms independent variable (IV) and dependent variable (DV) a lot, so let’s define what they mean:

  • The dependent variable is the variable that you analyse. Its value depends on the value of other variables. It’s the thing we’re measuring, and it’s sometimes also called the outcome.

    • In our example, this is desire to eliminate
  • An independent variable is a variable that influences the values of your dependent variable. It’s the thing we’re manipulating, and it’s sometimes also called the predictor.

    • In our example, this is whether or not somebody was given ice cream

Features of good study design

In a well designed experiment, we can be confident in saying our manipulation caused a change in our outcome

But this isn’t the case with our study, because we’re missing a lot of things (or at least we haven’t specified them yet). Including:

  • Controls

  • Randomisation

  • Blinding

  • A theoretical framework


Our imaginary study didn’t use any controls (we touched on controls last week too)

  • We recruited all kinds of people without giving consideration to how different characteristics might affect our results:

    • We might have children as well as adults in our sample

    • We might have people with lactose intolerance in our sample who would’ve experienced discomfort eating ice-cream

  • We didn’t have standardised instructions for participants who enrolled in the study

    • Maybe some participants arrived very hungry, and others arrived very full, and the hungry participants were just hangry


  • We didn’t control our IV appropriately: We might have often changed the brand, the flavour, or the amount of ice-cream. Maybe one day we gave frozen yoghurt instead of ice cream

    • Now we don’t know exactly what caused any changes in our outcome

    • It could be that only strawberry mini milks cause murderous tendencies

  • We didn’t control the lab environment it was conducted in. On some days the heating was up super high and on others we had the windows wide open

    • Maybe people only felt murderous when they were made to eat ice-cream in the cold


Another feature that might have been missing from our study is randomisation

  • We didn’t randomly assign people to the groups

    • Maybe we recruited all our participants for the ice cream condition first, and we did this outside of a dentists office

    • It might be that most of these participants had sensitive teeth and so eating cold food made them angry

  • A well-designed experiment should randomise both participant allocation and stimulus presentation order (which we touched on last week in the memory example)


Another feature that might have been missing from our study is blinding

  • Maybe we told participants that we were interested in the effects of ice cream on murderous tendencies

    • Participants may have (consciously or not) modified their behaviour to fit or contradict our hypothesis
  • Maybe we also gave all the participants the ice cream ourselves

    • If participants are naïve to group allocation then the study is said to be single-blind
  • If neither the participants nor the researcher know which condition the participants are put in, the study design is known as double-blind

    • Allocation is recorded but only revealed once the study is over and the data are being analysed

Theoretical Framework

  • The choice of predictor (IV) and outcome (DV) variables does not happen in a theoretical vacuum

  • These choices should be base on theory, but in our experiment these choices weren’t based on theory

  • It could be that murder causes people to eat ice-cream, in which case we should probably swap the IV and DV

  • Or it might be that they’re completely unrelated and any effect we find is just a coincidence

Types of experimental studies

We’ve already talked a bit about experimental designs, but experiments actually come in different types

  • True experiments

  • Quasi-experiments

  • And natural experiments

Sometimes it’s not logistically, or ethically, possible to do a true experiment, so that’s where quasi-experiments and natural experiments come in handy

(True) Experiments

  • True experiments usually have tight controls

  • They can be somewhat artificial because they abstract away from the real world

  • This means they lack something called ecological validity

  • Ecological validity refers to the ability to generalise the results from an experiment to the real world

    • Just because something is true in the lab, doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be true in the real world
  • But experiments provide the most rigorous methodology for investigating causal relationships.

Experiments can be difficult to perform from a logistical point of view, because randomisation can be difficult, and sometimes manipulating IVs directly can be difficult or impossible


  • Quasi-experiments are similar to true experiments except for participant randomisation

  • This makes them useful in situations were randomisation isn’t possible

    • E.g., the effectiveness of attending summer school - one school offers the intervention and the other does not
  • In situations like this, we should still try to match the participants so that the groups don’t differ on any relevant characteristics, except for the ones we’re investigating

Natural experiment

  • Natural experiments are studies where randomisation and manipulation occur through natural or socio-political processes

  • One example might be twin studies

    • Identical twins share essentially 100% of their genes

    • Fraternal twins share on average 50% of their genes

    • Both kinds of twins tend to share the same home environment (raised together)

    • Comparing similarities between identical twins and similarities between fraternal twins, we can estimate the role of genes and environment in all sorts of things (physical/mental health, personality, cognitive ability, etc.)

  • Other kinds of natural experiments might be a result of policy changes (like smoking bans, or changes in the length of compulsory eduction) or natural events

Aspects of study design

Within-subject and between-subjects designs

Studies can vary on whether the manipulation or measurements occurs between groups

  • In between-subjects or independent designs we compare different groups of participants

    • Different participants are assigned to (or naturally fall into) different conditions
  • In within-subjects or repeated measures we take repeated measurements from participants

    • This is where each participant gets assigned to all the conditions and we compare, e.g., how a person responded differently in the different conditions
  • Mixed designs have both within-subject and between-subject manipulations

    • For example, we might split people into two groups, but then still measure each person under multiple conditions

Within-subject designs have some disadvantages like order effects (people might perform differently in the second condition because they get better at the task, or worse because they get tired)

But with within-subject designs it can sometimes be easier to detect differences between conditions

Time frame

Studies can also vary in terms of whether participants are measured at one points in time or whether they’re followed over time

Cross-sectional designs

  • Take a cross-section of the sample at a single point in time

  • Logistically easier than other types of studies

  • Not very useful for telling us how things change over time

Time frame

Longitudinal designs

  • Involves repeated measurements of the same characteristics from the same participants at multiple different points in time

  • Logistically very difficult to do and can be expensive. Some can run for years or even decades

  • Very useful for seeing how things change over time. Particularly useful for studying e.g., developmental processes

  • Because they can run for so long there can be issues with missing data

    • Missing data can be complex to deal with because sometimes data is missing at random, but other times it can be tracking something you’re interested in

    • E.g., A study on whether dating apps help you find love might show that no people find love on the apps, but that might just be because those that do find love drop out of the study

Issues in measurement

Whenever we’re trying to measure something there are some issues that we need to be aware of1

Construct validity

  • In psychology we measure lots of things that are difficult to observe directly

    • This includes things like happiness, cognitive ability, and aspects of personality
  • We try to measure these things using a range of tools including questionnaires, and experimental tasks

  • We design these tools using the theoretical underpinnings behind the constructs we’re trying to measure

  • Construct validity is the extent to which a tool can be justifiably trusted to actually measure the construct it is supposed to measure.

External validity

  • We want to be able to generalise the findings from our studies beyond the particular people that took part in our study

  • And we want to be able to generalise the findings from our studies beyond the exact experimental tasks and setup used in our study

  • A study has external validity if it can be generalised to the population of people with relevant characteristics

    • It might be the case that if our study only used white mean in western cultures that the findings might only generalise to white men in western cultures
  • Ecological validity is a type of external validity that is particularly relevant to experimental designs

    • Refers to whether the findings of a study apply to the “real world

WEIRD samples

  • Researchers have questioned whether the results from typical psych studies are generalisable

  • Most psychology studies are conducted in a small handful of countries in the Global North (e.g., in North America, Europe, Australia/New Zealand)

  • Many of these studies also make use of undergraduate psychology students for their participants

  • More generally, typical psychology studies are conducted in societies that are WEIRD:

    • Western
    • Educated
    • Industrialised
    • Rich
    • Democratic

Understanding exactly whether and how these impact the generalisability of psychology findings means running more studies with samples that aren’t WEIRD


  • Reliability is about the consistency of a measure

  • A measure is reliable if it produces the same results each time it’s used on the same participant

  • E.g., If we’re measuring maths anxiety with a questionnaire then our questionnaire is reliable if we get similar scores each time we test a particular participant

  • This kind of stability over time is known as test-retest reliability

Levels of measurement

The last couple of things we’ll cover in this lecture will be about the jargon we use to talk about the nature of the measurements we’re taking

  • The first set of terms describe the kind of information we’re working with

  • We call this the level of measurement

  • There are four levels of measurement

    1. Nominal/categorical

    2. Ordinal

    3. Interval

    4. Ratio

Sometimes a construct can fall into many of these levels, and it’s on the researcher to decide what measurement level is the most appropriate to use.

Levels of measurement


Refers to names, categories, labels, or group membership.

  • Some examples include:

    • Eye colour (e.g., green, brown, blue)
    • Occupation status (e.g., FT employed, PT employed, unemployed, student…)
    • Study condition (control, experimental);
    • Even age can be nominal if we wanted it to be (under 50s vs over 50s).
  • Can’t compare the different groups in any quantifiable way

    • E.g., It doesn’t make sense to say that green is more blue when it comes to eye colour.

Ordinal level

Individual observations can be ordered in a meaningful way

For example:

  • We could order marathon runners ranked in order of who came 1st, 2nd, or 3rd.

  • However, doesn’t give information about the differences between individual points

    • E.g., We don’t know how much faster the winner is compared to the runner-up

    • The distance between 1st and 2nd doesn’t have to be the same as the distance between 2nd and 3rd

  • Common in psychology because of Likert scale

Interval level

  • At the interval level of measurement, the differences (intervals) between pairs of adjacent values are the same

    • E.g., The difference between 20°C and 21°C is the same as between 35°C and 36°C.
  • But there is no absolute zero point

    • E.g., IQ is measured at the interval level. Somebody with an IQ of 200 isn’t twice as smart as somebody with an IQ of 100, because there is no such thing as an IQ of 0

Ratio level

  • The ratio level is similar to the interval level, but there is a meaningful 0 point.

  • Some examples of the ratio level of measurement that you might encounter in psychology are:

    • Reaction time
    • Number of correct responses
    • Score on an exam

Variable / data types

When we represent variables with numbers we can have different types depending on the type of data

Continuous variables can contain any numerical value within a certain range

  • E.g., time, height, and weight

Discrete variables can only contain some values

  • E.g., The number of children (only whole numbers, because there’s not such thing as 2.5 children)

Binary variables can only take one of two possible values (Special case of discrete variables )

  • E.g., Head / Tails, Pass / Fail

Our IVs and DVs can be any type (continuous, discrete, binary) or any level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio). It all depends on the study!
